Wednesday, March 25, 2009



A lil something I made for meat...


Saturday, March 7, 2009

I Watch The Watchmen..

I saw the Watchmen at 330 in the morning on friday in IMAX. This movie actually did surpass my expectations and made me glad that I waited and took the time to wait all that time and watch it so early. Watchmen did everything to near perfection. The fight scenes were top notch, reminiscent very much of 300, of course it is Zack Snyder. The movie followed the comic very well with lines and quotes direct from the graphic novel and scenes and costumes from it as well. Highly recommend going to see this movie it surpassed all my expectations. I recommend the graphic novel also, i'm not quite done with it yet, but I became addicted from first read and read near half of it in a sitting.

Rorschach: [to prisoners] I'm not locked in here with you! You're locked in here with ME!


Monday, March 2, 2009


I'm tired of school already...
Can't wait until spring break then summer!
On comic news...
I have just finished the newest Thor series and I love it but it ended with too many loose ends, it really just leaves me wanting more from that story.
On other news I bought my ticket for The Watchmen movie for 330 am on Thursday night/Friday morning!
Once again I will be at the spectrum at 330 in the morning, however I don't think the feeling is as great to see Watchmen as it was to see The Dark Knight but I am sure it will be totally worth it.

One of my new favorite shows...