Tuesday, June 2, 2009

E3 has begun.

E3 has not disappointed!
God of War 3 has been announced for release next March. Demo for it was AMAZING! EPIC on so many levels!
Modern Warfare 2 looks amazing and I hope to hear more about extras and features in the coming days.
Final Fantasy XIII looks amazing also. The announcement of Final Fantasy XIV as an MMO is also big news and I am excited for as well.
Microsoft did have good games but I think Sony has won E3 by far just with content presented.
However I will prolly be getting an Xbox 360 by the end of the year just for most of the exclusives it has.
Most notably Alan Wake and Halo: ODST.
As for Nintendo I am looking forward to Super Mar
io Wii, which consists of four-player multi-player.
Looks to be like a real party game that will live up to my standards instead of like Mario Party.

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